
South Oregon News

Friday, February 21, 2025

293 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Jackson County as of January

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There were 293 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Jackson County as of January, according to the Oregon State Bar.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.

As of Feb. 26, 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon was around $101,982 per year.

The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.

Lawyers in Jackson County with active legal licenses in January

Lawyer NameBar NumberDate of License Granted
Adrian D Snyder00395704/10/2000
Alexis Packer94123522/04/1994
Alissa Migliore Weaver96363520/09/1996
Allan E Smith95417122/09/1995
Alyssa R Bartholomew05164919/08/2005
Amy A Young11290814/09/2011
Amy L Cook11359806/10/2011
Amy Sophia Ahrendt09094521/05/2009
Andrew C Jordan22539214/10/2022
Andrew Michael Goll11104506/05/2011
Andrew R Wilson12500604/10/2012
Angela Mae Kuhn02355030/09/2002
Angie LaNier86324922/09/1986
Anton J Bokal14196402/07/2014
Arnie R Braafladt78153218/09/1978
Arthur Wilber Stevens III85085719/04/1985
Barry I Siegel19072613/02/2019
Benjamin D Nielsen16504029/09/2016
Benjamin M Bloom93215123/09/1993
Bernard S Moore84305114/09/1984
Bradly D Johnson21382712/10/2021
Brandon K Rennie06248322/09/2006
Brannon M Schwab22487613/10/2022
Brett A Baumann08594714/10/2008
Brian C Butler98190302/10/1998
Brian L Green06339627/09/2006
Bruce D Smith72240422/09/1972
Bruce F Anders17591403/11/2017
Bryan E Blodgett85155520/09/1985
Bryn P Siegel23243814/08/2023
C Casey White05099727/04/2005
Carlette Ann Kruse08388425/09/2008
Carmel Stout Zahran16536507/10/2016
Carolyn A Anderson04146207/05/2004
Casey S Murdock14491406/10/2014
Charles B Fromm19506507/10/2019
Charles E Bolen96224920/09/1996
Charles George Kochlacs89069314/04/1989
Charles M McNair75254819/09/1975
Christian Donica08063301/05/2008
Christian E Hearn91182923/06/1991
Christina Villaescusa86310619/09/1986
Christina Marie Boccato10533207/10/2010
Christine Kantas Herbert00053026/04/2000
Christopher A Missiaen05326722/09/2005
Clifford I Levenson95036506/03/1995
Clint L Oborn11482706/10/2011
Clinton J Jones06384827/09/2006
Colin M Murphy12403904/10/2012
Conde Thompson Cox09097721/05/2009
Connor Shores14433702/10/2014
Cristina Sanz89116214/04/1989
Daisy A Hering02326630/09/2002
Damian M Idiart01061320/04/2001
Daniel O'Connor95044417/04/1995
Daniel C Thorndike80388812/09/1980
Daniel F Kellington65060524/09/1965
David Lohman81484103/11/1981
David A Wood14551927/10/2014
David A deVilleneuve94027525/02/1994
David B Paradis85301620/09/1985
David G Hoppe95137124/04/1995
David G Schieber88011328/01/1988
David G Stork04016205/02/2004
David J Linthorst11697519/12/2011
David J McGlothlin16563425/10/2016
David J Orr98313402/10/1998
David L Smith96019302/02/1996
David P A Seulean85326020/09/1985
David Paul Lennon12557515/10/2012
Deborah K Vincent96494225/09/1996
Debra FJ Lee83105029/04/1983
Dennis J Heil83230313/09/1983
Dennis R Ingram78253118/09/1978
Derek A Matthews21012411/01/2021
Devin D Huseby08367025/09/2008
Dixy E Iglesias20683828/12/2020
Dominic M Campanella04255828/09/2004
Donald L Scales97389015/09/1997
Douglas G Nash96372120/09/1996
Douglas M Engle82249924/09/1982
Douglas M McGeary88079315/04/1988
Edward Charles Impert06376927/09/2006
Elizabeth L White80450801/10/1980
Elizabeth S Moseley09589320/10/2009
Eric Fleisig-Greene21290722/09/2021
Eric B Mitton06592502/10/2006
Eric R Foster02116423/04/2002
Eric R Stark92132423/04/1992
Erinn M Cypher11579411/10/2011
Esther Smith09170826/05/2009
Eugene V Anderson97198815/09/1997
Faith Morse10456207/10/2010
Frank C Rote III89389818/09/1989
Frank E Laboy Blanc20102626/05/2020
Gadi Shahak18086526/04/2018
Garren Pedemonte09470508/10/2009
Garrett West17489005/10/2017
Garrett Matthew Ramsey21481912/10/2021
Gerald D Haynes93190517/09/1993
Gregory A Terhune22632003/11/2022
Gregory M Abel03178405/05/2003
Greta Lilly06408727/09/2006
Heidi Nunn-Gilman11649210/11/2011
J Adam Peterson06467127/09/2006
Jack Davis75090519/09/1975
Jaclyn L Hise17375805/10/2017
Jacob Harris15113607/05/2015
Jaime Madrigal22007124/01/2022
Jake R Whitmire06600702/10/2006
James A Wallan86102925/04/1986
James H Nitta11598412/10/2011
James J Stout93473727/09/1993
James Joseph Pedrojetti10139906/05/2010
James R Eckley78036824/04/1978
Jamie Hazlett07357228/09/2007
Janice Watson06576728/09/2006
Janice L Rodriquez97042715/04/1997
Jason C Broesder99228930/09/1999
Jason M Anderson95200922/09/1995
Jeffrey W Foxx82259224/09/1982
Jen Zammetti16520803/10/2016
Jeni Feinberg83108102/05/1983
Jennifer Nicholls11473106/10/2011
Jennifer L Lupton96086723/04/1996
Jeremy A Markiewicz05319522/09/2005
Jeremy John Karns16414429/09/2016
Jerry A Jacobson76184324/09/1976
Jessica Pedemonte11489806/10/2011
Jessica E Toth18100204/05/2018
Johan Pietila15137307/05/2015
John Blackhurst79018920/04/1979
John A Hamilton11107706/05/2011
John C Howry05288422/09/2005
John Duane Norton99331030/09/1999
Jonathan Quinsey16152728/04/2016
Joseph Fichter12313404/10/2012
Joseph E Kellerman92199701/07/1992
Joseph R Davis98208802/10/1998
Joshua David Johnson10689315/12/2010
Judith Rose Lowrey Harper90326021/09/1990
Justin Idiart11156809/05/2011
Justin N Rosas07641217/10/2007
Justina E Lara20688428/12/2020
Kara M Greenaway21483412/10/2021
Karolina S Southard20090506/05/2020
Karolyn Reed18079423/04/2018
Katherine M Silsbee20129426/05/2020
Katrina E Berg21323307/10/2021
Keith Y Boyd76070124/09/1976
Kelly L Andersen79146418/09/1979
Kelly W Ravassipour02132229/04/2002
Kenneth M Tharp00153013/06/2000
Kevin Michael Rowe14585925/11/2014
Kevin Preston Stout08662023/12/2008
Kimberly I Drake19046421/02/2019
Kimberly J Gehr17186124/05/2017
Kimberly S T Bolen96442020/09/1996
Kristen Roy18238009/07/2018
Larry C Hammack69064912/09/1969
Laura Lindley-Gutierrez10008807/01/2010
Laura Andrea Cromwell07091609/05/2007
Laurance W Parker88286323/09/1988
Lauren James Caster97116417/04/1997
Lauretta Lee Ferguson89235115/09/1989
Leah Z Halpert21565027/10/2021
Leanne M Park20143828/05/2020
Leslie A Salem12258520/08/2012
Linda M Vierra92490918/09/1992
Lindsey M Shapiro18611811/12/2018
Lisa C Greif98242902/10/1998
Lisa J Dunn99254030/09/1999
Lorenzo A Mejia86245419/09/1986
Lorianne JF Neville15104007/05/2015
Madeline Audrey Hailer23454710/10/2023
Malisa Lenora Gurule Cagney13266820/09/2013
Marco A Boccato10343707/10/2010
Mark A Butterfield99233630/09/1999
Mark F Deems93042223/04/1993
Mark R Weaver96453020/09/1996
Mark Stephen Bartholomew03566221/10/2003
Mark Young Tuai18463304/10/2018
Maryanne Pitcher18544215/10/2018
Matthew Rowan10492707/10/2010
Matthew Sutton92479718/09/1992
Matthew A Casper06290327/09/2006
Matthew J Dodson18126317/05/2018
Megan B Annand92556702/10/1992
Melisa A Button11611318/10/2011
Melissa E LeRitz15468805/10/2015
Michael Aaron Halliday04561021/12/2004
Michael E Kellington97190015/09/1997
Michael G Balocca83016122/04/1983
Michael J Stout15428401/10/2015
Michael Joseph Mayerle03390126/09/2003
Michael L Hitsky18049329/03/2018
Michael P Bertholf04464229/09/2004
Michael P Vanderhoff12512405/10/2012
Michael W Franell90268021/09/1990
Michelle J Bodi16189902/05/2016
Milan Robert Hanson13108216/05/2013
Misty D Guille08628017/11/2008
Monica Rathjen08014216/01/2008
Natalie Margaret Wetenhall13219215/07/2013
Pamela Burkholder Turner87125121/05/1987
Paola P Bergauer23028909/02/2023
Patricia Crain77147426/09/1977
Patrick G Huycke75191119/09/1975
Patrick P Green15488509/10/2015
Paul D Moser00331604/10/2000
Paul Daniel Henderson18295019/09/2018
Penny Lee Austin81145715/07/1981
Peter C Jensen-Haxel13657830/12/2013
Peter Joseph Carini93227023/09/1993
Philip M Taylor15482205/10/2015
Rachel Melinda Pavlich17435305/10/2017
Rachele R Selvig09501608/10/2009
Raymond Churba02271930/09/2002
Raymond W Kaselonis Jr.11158309/05/2011
Rich Billin90454622/10/1990
Richard A Stark69164812/09/1969
Richard B Thierolf Jr.76356505/10/1976
Richard C Whitlock77388426/09/1977
Richard William Funk86194619/09/1986
Rick C Toothaker Jr.20459313/10/2020
Risa L Hall87106121/04/1987
Robert A Pippel13455510/10/2013
Robert Wilson Patridge93394223/09/1993
Ryan Mulkins05329922/09/2005
Ryan James Vanderhoof98425115/10/1998
Ryan M Pech19181223/05/2019
S Delaney Hanlon04305928/09/2004
Sally McLeod Kent Peebles16211409/05/2016
Samantha D Malloy08656619/12/2008
Samantha G Olson18420604/10/2018
Samantha M Takacs20157103/06/2020
Samantha R Evans09346908/10/2009
Sara J Collins02146531/05/2002
Sara T Shaw20444313/10/2020
Sarah Charlotte Vaile07660230/10/2007
Sarah S Robbins07505828/09/2007
Scott C Bucy18194425/05/2018
Sean P Tipton20458513/10/2020
Sevanah Fitzgerald11383506/10/2011
Shala Helm20382413/10/2020
Shane A Reed96159703/05/1996
Shane J Antholz03200019/05/2003
Shawn A Kollie11435106/10/2011
Shayla P Steyart17514710/10/2017
Stefanie L Burke03278326/09/2003
Stephen G Jamieson83051022/04/1983
Stephen M Zier09068327/04/2009
Steven R Rinkle90368021/09/1990
Stuart E Foster67036515/09/1967
Susan Bradley Krant99178819/05/1999
Susan J Mahoney07070116/04/2007
Sydnee B Dreyer95471027/09/1995
Talon J Reed16545211/10/2016
Tamara B Maher91367627/09/1991
Tara Kaylene Millan08228323/07/2008
Terry J Smith-Norton91322527/09/1991
Thad M Guyer82144327/04/1982
Thaddeus Glen Pauck98318002/10/1998
Thomas F Armosino Jr.91195427/09/1991
Thomas Nicholas Dimitre10372107/10/2010
Thomas W Lloyd78433221/08/1978
Timothy Barnack91205027/09/1991
Timothy E Brophy78455406/10/1978
Timothy J Doherty18573505/11/2018
Timothy L Jackle98260102/10/1998
Todd Bradley Maddox91366927/09/1991
Todd Brooks Westersund98371102/10/1998
Tom Petersen97464522/09/1997
Tonia Louise Moro89316015/09/1989
Tracey RH Naumes12347404/10/2012
Tracy M McGovern93534915/11/1993
Travis A Merritt19585718/11/2019
Tricia D Hahn14044220/03/2014
Vance Michael Waliser87365425/09/1987
Virginia M Greer04298428/09/2004
Wade A Hilsher17374105/10/2017
Wendy Levy10122406/05/2010
Wendy Lou Manley91167804/06/1991
Wes Chadwick00229104/10/2000
William Francis94072722/04/1994
William A Mansfield53071001/01/1953
William H Fowler68049420/09/1968
Wilson C Freeman16549113/10/2016
Win Thivel Kellerman93175419/07/1993
Yaschar Sarparast07169209/05/2007
Zachary D Newman18497308/10/2018
Zachary S Brugman10081006/05/2010
Zachary Wayne Light03570231/10/2003


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