Teatro Milagro: Semillas | https://www.facebook.com/RogueCommunityCollege
Teatro Milagro: Semillas | https://www.facebook.com/RogueCommunityCollege
RCC students are invited to participate in two special theater opportunities during the first week of spring term. Each year, the RCC Diversity Programming Board hosts Teatro Milagro, a theater group from Portland. This year, they will provide two offerings.
First up is an on-campus “movie” screening of their play, Semillas, followed by a Q&A with the actors. They will also host a two-night, in-person theatre workshop. There is no charge for the workshop and they are powerful. The workshop is limited to 10 participants, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up ASAP!
MOVIE/PLAY SCREENING: Teatro Milagro presents “Semillas” (running time 57 mins). Q&A with actors & production team to follow.
Date: Monday, April 3
Location: Redwood Campus, Rogue Auditorium
Time: 3-5 p.m.
Free. Open to all students, faculty, staff & community members
Semillas follows the story of Juan Carlos, a young man born in a tiny Spanish village and filled with dreams to embrace all humanity. Faced with the terrible reality of gigantic forest fires, Juan Carlos abandons his 9-to-5 job and dedicates his life to reforestation. With the support of family and friends, Juan Carlos and his wife Gloria create a way to use technology and intelligent seeds to reforest lands devastated by wildfires.
WORKSHOP: Teatro Milagro Presents a Wellness & Environmental Theatre Intensive — Spend two evenings with professional theatre makers from Milagro learning the process and implications for “forum theatre” and “invisible theatre.” Discussions on generational views of health and environment will inspire the results.
Dates: Tuesday & Wednesday, April 4 & 5
Location: Riverside Campus, HEC-129A
Time: 6:30-8 p.m.
Free. Participation limited to 10 students.
To register for the workshop, contact Lucia Bartscher: call/text 541-956-7124 or email LBartscher@roguecc.edu.
Original source can be found here